Monday, August 20, 2007


In July, we decided to go to LLAMA Fest in Spanish Fork. It was a pretty interesting day. We luckily didn't get spit on by any Llamas. Brandon did find a pretty cool hat that he liked. Llama fest was held a Hindu temple that is in the middle of nowhere but it is really cool. I really wanted to get a henna tattoo on my hand but brandon was too freaked out by the crazy hippy lady doing I got a fake tattoo the next week when we went to the rodeo in Idaho! yahooooo..luckily for me we didn't stay at llama fest too long--my sunscreen didn't hold up well. But we did get to see a very entertaining llama race and the llama awards ceremony..It was also pretty enjoyable to see the mormon missionaries and all the hippies living together in perfect llama harmony....yay for llama fest!!

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