Friday, February 13, 2009

So Big!

Emma thinks she is SO big now because she can sit up and play all by herself! It is so cute to see her grow and learn so much! She also can stand up on her own if she is holding onto something. She is definitely ahead of the curve and I am convinced that she is our very own baby genious! Emma will be six months old next friday! She is also much better from having the croup after eleven days of being really sick and on steroids. It is heartbreaking to have a sick baby, but now that she is better she is so happy and has so much energy. We spent all day monday playing, I didn't do anything else but play with her all day, it was so much fun!

1 comment:

Sharee said...

how cute! She is SOO big! She is so smart!

PS I wanna see your hair!