Monday, January 31, 2011

The name game..........

So now that we know we are having a little boy..the name game is on!!
We are debating between two that I prefere and one that brandon prefers..I won't say which is which...but would love to have your here they are

1. Daniel Elijah Martin
2. Eli Daniel Martin

Which do you like best? :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Scary Day..

So monday morning I woke up and felt a little cramping on my left side...I thought nothing of it, dismissed it as probably round ligament pain and headed off to work. Once at work the pain got substantially worse and I could hardly stand. I was doubled over in my office..there was no way I could see a full day of patients. I quickly called my husband to take me to the ER (note: if you need to go to the ER- ALWAYS go to the U OF U). He drove me up to the u of u..the whole time we were noticeably nervous..what the heck was happening? Could something be wrong with the baby? I didnt know if I could handle losing another one....

Well they got me back pretty quickly, gave me some IV morphine, got labs, and then wheeled the ultrasound machine in..and thank goodness the baby was doing great!!! kicking and moving, great heart rate. Whatever was wrong with me wasnt the baby. I figured I could handle the pain as long as I knew our little guy was ok.

We spent the whole day in the ER and finally got a diagnosis of: KIDNEY STONES. wow..who saw that coming? definitely not me. Anyway..when they say that kidney stones feel like is 100% correct. It is sooo painful. so they sent me home with pain meds because any other treatment options could hurt the baby.

So I have spent the last two days waiting...and waiting for this to be is getting slowly better so I think the end is in sight. However, i must say that my husband has been absolutely wonderful- making me food, taking care of me when I throw up from the pain and watching little emma. He is great and deserves a treat when this is all over. Because seriously? A pregnant wife with kidney stones sounds like a mans worst nightmare to me..haha..

Anyway, I would like to end by saying that my kidney stones are really a blessing because I was so terrified that something was wrong with our little peanut...I would gladly deal with this anyday and cant wait to have him safely in my arms in about 5 months :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's a..............

We couldnt be more thrilled!

We went in for an ultrasound today to check on some concerns my doctor had..everything checked out ok. AND..the tech was able to tell the gender of our baby!! The baby basically flashed us the money shot and it was pretty obvious what it was once she pointed it out to me!!

The baby is also measuring big, which is great news. he measured at 15 weeks today and based on my due date i should only be 14 weeks 3 days...Well Im so grateful that things are going well for us so far this time.

Hopefully this sweet little boy continues to grow and be healthy, We can't wait to welcome him into our family in late june/early july!!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Blog Stalking...OK or just plain creepy? stalking has been on my mind lately. I love reading my friends blogs and seeing what they are up to, especially since alot of my friends live in different states. Well, sometimes I notice an interesting title or post in their friends I check out the blog. Most of the time its someone that I have met or at least is an aquaintance.
But sometimes its a total stranger and I read their post and move on...sometimes though their stories are really intruiging and even have moved me to tears at times. Its amazing how we all have a story..a heartbreak... a tragedy..and of

Is it totally creepy to look at other peoples blogs or is it ok? Is there anyone out there that follows our blog (highly doubtful..Im pretty boring). If so..feel free to post so we know who you are and can check out ur blog too ;)