Monday, September 27, 2010

Giving Thanks

Fall has always been my favorite season. Theres just something refreshing and a little romantic about the cold crisp air, changing leaves and cozy sweaters. I love dressing up for halloween and planning fun activities for our little family. Fall is a season of reflection and for being grateful for the blessings that we have been given.

Our little family has endured some hard trials lately, but as we have gone through this process together, we have found our bonds renewed and strengthened. I really do think there is a lot to be said about "putting positive energy out there"...because I find that when I do that, positive things come back to me...

I have decided that there is no more room in my life for negativity..negative energy is draining..and really..why waste time being negative? It doesn't accomplish anything execpt bringing people down.

Anyway, I am going to focus my energy this fall season on the wonderful things I have in my life.. We have so much to be grateful for..and I think we dont even realize it

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love this post. I'm sorry you have endured so much. It must have been really hard for you guys. I love you, Lauren! I am grateful for you!