Friday, December 12, 2008

Baby's first jazz game

Ok, I know. Who takes their four month old baby to a jazz game? In December?! haha, that's right, US! I was pretty skeptical about it at first, but we decided to buy Emma some ear muffs to mute out the noise, and she did just great! We met up with some of Brandon's school friends at Rumbi's in gateway for some pre-game food and then walked over to the ESA to watch the game. We left at half time cuz we had to get Emma home and to bed. Overall, the highlight of the night was all the crazy looks we got from people who were noticing Emma's ear muffs! We probably will not take her to another jazz game until she is a little older!


Sharee said...

I love her ear muffs! Those might be the cutest things ever! You guys are brave for taking her to the game. :) I was too afraid that Brady would freak out cuz the moise...He doesn't like loud noises... :)

Agent 801 said...

No worries we took Pia to a game in November. People can kiss it if they think its wrong. What's wrong is thinking that once we have a baby we all should be sealed up in our houses until the kid is 18! Boo on looks! (annoyed today can you tell)

McKell said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! I used to check your but you never posted any new ones, but now you are! I'm going to add you to my blog list! Your daughter is adorable! She looks like Brandon! You have such a cute little family!