Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lunch time

Since it is christmas break and Brandon is off of school, he is able to help alot with Emma. So that means mommy gets to work alot more! The best part of my day is when baby and daddy bring me lunch and we get to hang out before I see my afternoon patients. Emma loves getting to spend her days with her daddy and I know she will miss it when school starts up again in a couple weeks!


McKell said...

Aw.. I don't know how you do it! I would miss my baby so much. It would be exciting though to have the kind of job you have. I got her sweater from Sears! Normally I don't shop there, well, I guess I never have. I was just walking through and they had it by the Lands End stuff and I thought it was so adorable and great for winter. So have you been pumping for four months? Sorry if that is a little personal... She's so cute, I love her smiles. Where do you get her bows?!

McKell said...

That's not so bad then if you get to bring her to work. That sounds like a sweet deal, you get to make some money and be a full time mom at the same time. I didn't gain a lot of weight when I was preg since I was so sick at the beginning. I only gained like 18 lbs. But I lost that plus like 6 lbs. I didn't have a appetite after I had her which is unusual so I dropped the initial weight quick and since then not eating dairy and breastfeeding I guess has helped. Are you still not eating dairy? What did you eat when you couldn't eat wheat or dairy?! You never looked big in your belly pics you put on your blog!

Emily said...

That is so fun that you get to have lunch with your cute fam every day. THat would just make my day. You're a lucky girl.